Thursday, 17 January 2013

Opening sequences

The music used in this sequence adds to the tension in the air as it starts of very light and happy sounding as the couple are talking and then changes around 0:45 to a more dramatic sad sound as the body is dicovered.

This is an extract from the opening of an episode of Lewis which is a crime drama series on ITV. The exctract shows a male and female characterwalking down a street late at night alone. It is all shot from a wide angle which further exagerates the fact that the street is empty and the two main characters are alone. There is then some dialogue and the camera changes to a mid shot to focus on what the characters are saying and when the male character notices the dead body the camera pans down to show a part of the body, then drops down from above to show focus on the face of the body

What I liked about this extract is how it used different angles to show the dead body and how the empty streets were shown in the wide angles. I also like how the music changes to a darker tune when the main character sees the body in the pond, it adds to the atmosphere of the scene.

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